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Filtering by Tag: tricycles

Fall with Family

Catherine Zuperku

This past weekend we (Dan, Zander, Uncle Jim and myself) braved the ugly cold weather (that was only out in the morning - when we went on an adventure to Apple Holler) and met up with our Illinois family of 4: Lauren, Dave, Grace and Mr Henry. It's always such a joy to see them and this time was no exception. Like always Zander and Grace are just too adorable together. Zander follows her around and she dotes on him... I do hope they remain close when they're teens!
Visiting Apple Holler was fantastic. I completely forgot what it was like (it had probably been 20 or so years since I had gone!) Beyond apple picking (which we opted out of since we have tons of apples) there was a pig race, huge slides, tricycles, petting zoos and hayrides... OH and most important apple cider donuts! I love me some donuts!
I'm hoping we can continue the tradition next year because it was so much fun seeing this childhood stuff through Zander's eyes. So rewarding even though it was freezing. And he'll be older and more aware of everything, I have a feeling these types of farms get better for the child with each year!

Our mischievous little duo, with help from Uncle Dave!

I need to frame this one of the boys!

Our cheerleader Grace only had moments to cheer as the pig race was over in a flash, they are quite fast! But she won "Best Cheerleader!"

Adorable family alert!

haha, something always appears to be off in our attempt at family photos... what caption should I give Z's expression!? Lol.

is that apple cider donut on his mouth?... you bet!