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Alexander Calvary turns 4!

Catherine Zuperku

written to my loving boy…

Ah my dear, sweet baby, you have turned four! I have been down an emotional and sentimental trip thinking of the day you were born, your adorable laugh and voice, your first scraped knee, your crazy obsessions of tupperware spinning, fans and cars. It makes your daddy and I smile thinking of all the lovely and funny things you say. We are always astonished at your love for others, your intelligence and your stubborn personality. Lol. The way you immediately took to being an older brother - you love your sister so much (even when you push her down as she grabs and slobbers on your cars!).
Your questions about God are so endearing and it makes me realize how innocent a child’s mind is. There was a time when you asked me, “Why is tomorrow Tuesday?” and I answered, “because it’s after Monday and there are seven days in a week.” You replied, “But why?” “Because God made it that way.,” I said. “But why?” you kept asking. Finally I said, “Perhaps you should ask him?” And you quickly said, “No, I think you should ask him?” I was so confused why you seemed a little hesitant, so I replied, “Hun, you can ask God anything.” “But I can’t take my heart out?" you said. And it dawned on me, “Oh because he lives in your heart?” ‘Yeah” you replied. “You can ask God anything and he can hear you from your heart!” I said. You replied, “Well, yeah, but maybe you should still ask.”
Oh my gosh, your thoughts and opinions are so cute. I have a whole list of Zander-isms that I keep. My heart is truly so proud of you and who you are starting to be and I just have to thank God that he blessed us with such a loving boy.
We got to celebrate you for your birthday and you were beyond thrilled that family were coming to ‘your’ party! I think you talked about it for a whole month before. And your smile didn’t disappoint on that day. You were so happy to see everyone and of course open your presents.
I will continue to be in awe of how my body created you and how much people love this person I helped make. It’s mind boggling! So my dear, sweet boy, may you always know that you are so loved by your family but also by your God. You were intricately made by the Maker, he called you by name and he gave you us as parents. I hope we can continue to help you grow through fun times and tough life lessons. Love you to infinity and beyond space cowboy!